The African Union Youth Volunteer Corps (AU-YVC), established in 2010, is a continental development program that promotes youth volunteerism in Africa. The African Union’s agenda 2063, ‘The Africa we want’. It brings people together to share skills, knowledge, creativity and learning to build a more integrated, prosperous and
peaceful Continent driven by its citizens.


  • The volunteering opportunities are intended to build professionalism and a sense of responsibility among the participants, thus enhancing their employability.


Applicants-have to meet The Following criteria:

  • Citizen of year AU Member State living on the continent or the Diaspora;
  • Aged between 18 – 35 years;
  • Have a post-secondary qualification (TVET, Bachelor’s degree or
  • Available in 2018 to dedicate 12 (twelve) months for volunteer work;
  • Willing to live and work in another Member State;
  • Is proficient in at least one AU working language (Arabic, English, French,
  • Has at least one-year verifiable volunteering experience and one year
    professional experience.

DEADLINE: July 31 2017

To apply and for more information visit here


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