The Centre was established in the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, in 1986, as part of domestic efforts against the apartheid system of the time. Members of the Centre participated in meetings with the liberation movements outside the borders of South Africa, organised conferences and participated in efforts to promote human rights in South Africa, and, when the transition came, served as technical advisors to both the interim and final constitution writing processes. The focus of the Centre has now broadened beyond the borders of South Africa. Over the years, it has positioned itself in an unmatched network of practising and academic lawyers, national and international civil servants and human rights practitioners across the entire continent, with a specific focus on human rights law in Africa, and international development law in general.


  • The 2017 Nelson Mandela world human right moot court competition will include a one-day event, designed to expose students to the work of the office of the United Nation High Commissioner for Human Rights as the Human Right Council.
  • This will involve personal interaction with senior staff members of both institutions who are involved key activities and processes.
  • This practical exercise promises to be an eye-opening and personally enriching series of encounters which will add value to what many world moot participants have already described as the highlight of their university studies


  • The competition is open to both undergraduate and master’s degree law students. A team of two students from each university – preferably one woman and one man- is invited to participate.
  • In the preliminary rounds the student submit heads of argument for a hypothetical case, which are assessed by panel of experts.
  • The best five (5) teams from each UN region are then invited to participate in the pre- final and final rounds of the competition in Geneva. Here , teams have to argue the two sides of the hypothetical case, the applicant and Respondent, before a ‘branch’ of human right experts.

DEADLINE: June 12 2017
To apply and for more information visit here


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