APPLY: KAS Media Africa Scholarship 2017 – Opportunities

KAS Media Africa is offering a university scholarship to a promising, young (under 30) sub-Saharan African journalist to do a full-time Honours or Masters Degree at the University of Witwatersrand’s Journalism Programme in Johannesburg in 2017.


The scholarship includes:

  • University fees
  • Return flight to Johannesburg
  • Monthly stipend of 5 000 ZAR
  • Accommodation fees for student housing
  • A one-time payment of 2 500 ZAR for study material


  • Candidates should be under 30 years old, working as a journalist in a sub-Saharan African country and fluent in English.
  • For Honours, candidates must have at least three years’ working experience and either an undergraduate degree or pass an entrance test.
  • For Masters, candidates must have a degree equivalent to the BA Honours in Journalism (or related field) and at least three years’ working experience.
  • Candidates must work closely with KAS Media Africa during their stay in Johannesburg and write a bi-monthly narrative report on their study progress.

DEADLINE: August 31 2016

To apply and for more information visit here


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