A UNICEF report states that no fewer than 10.5 million Nigerian children are out of school, and about 60% of these out of school children are girls. Despite important education gains in recent decades, Nigeria, of all countries, has the largest number of girls not in school. The average girl stays in school only through age nine. Less than one-third of Nigeria’s girls enroll in the lower secondary school and, in northern Nigeria, less than one in 10 girls generally complete secondary education. These pose a great risk to Nigeria development and the drive to achieving the SDGs.

Stand #withMalala International Campaign program will build on the gains of the Stand #WithMalala 1 programme to stand #withMalala and start demanding girls right to 12 years of free quality education in Nigeria. Community screening will steer up grass root support for girls’ education and non-violence against girls and young women thereby bringing the discussion of girl child empowerment on the forefront of every discussion.

The project will utilize the documentary “He Named Me Malala” to raise awareness, generate dialogue and discussions among community leaders, parents, and girls about girls’ education rights in Nigeria to push for free, safe and quality education for girls. It will also build skills among young women.


30 local partners will work independently and show the documentary –He Named Me Malala- in communities and schools in 25 states in Nigeria. Each local partner is committed to reach 250 students, community leaders, parents and teachers. In all, the 30 partners will reach 7,500 persons in 30 cities.

The 88 minutes documentary will be shown at designated places, Venue to be determined by partners. The viewing will be followed by post-movie discussions on the lessons and take homes from the documentary. Key advocacy themes are to be taken from the Documentary, and used as advocacy tools both at the local levels and at the National level.

The documentary comes in two languages- Hausa and English. Each partners will determine which is preferred, the documentary DVD in Hausa or English.

Partner and Girls Advocates Training

A 2 day training is planned for the heads of the Youth organizations as well as one girl advocate who will lead the post screening discussions. The girl advocate whose age will be between 18 and 24 will be carefully chosen from the community where the activity will take place. The training will include a session on working with communities, how to manage heated/controversial comments, risks or emergencies and girls child education advocacy.

Two trainings will take place between the 3rd and 4th week in April in two locations namely, Zaria and Akure. Partners will be required to choose a location close to them by road and where we have over 15 partners in a training location; others will be reassigned to the other location putting their locations into consideration. All partners are therefore encouraged to fill this online form to reserve their slots for the Training Location.

Click here to reserve slot for workshop Location

Schedule and TimeLine

All partners are to pick a date on the 8 weeks schedule made available at the link below. The schedule runs all through May and June 2016. Activities are only possible from Monday to Saturday of every week. A partner can only pick a day and no two events can happen on a day. Do click on the chosen day of the week and month to register your schedule for the campaign activity.

An invite will be sent to your individual organizations to schedule your activity.

Fund disbursement and Reporting

The grant will be disbursed in two trenches; 80% before the commencement of the project and 20% 3 working days after the submission of activity report. Activity report should be done on the template that will be provided. The report must be detailed to include specifics of the activity and supported with pictures. The final report should be mailed to segun@youthhubafrica.org 


The FAQs document will answer every other question that might arise concerning this mini grant program. All other questions could be directed to segun@youthhubafrica.org


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